CECI n'est pas EXECUTE cena : News 2015-2016

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News 2015-2016

November 25, 2016 : Nicolas Barreyre will be a commentator at a conference on "African-American Historians, 1850-1950: History-Writing and Emancipation" organized at the university of Paris-Diderot.

• November 18, 2016 : Nicolas Barreyre will take part in a roundtable on his own book Gold and Freedom organized at the annual conference of the Social Science History Association in Chicago.

• January 12, 2016: Nicolas Barreyre will present his new book at the Karla Scherer Center for the Study of American Culture of the University of Chicago. His talk is entitled: "Gold and Freedom: Money and the Fate of post-Civil War Reconstruction."

• December 2nd : Emmanuelle Perez will give a paper at the workshop "Governing empires. French and iberian experiences in the Americas" organized by Yann Lignereux, François-Joseph Ruggiu et Clément Thibaud at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Nantes, with the Center for International and Atlantic Research of Nantes University.

• December 1st : Emmanuelle Perez will be awarded the formal Chancellerie prize Louis Forest/Thiessé de Rougemont 2015 for her doctoral dissertation:  "Nuestra California. Faire Californie entre deux constructions nationales et impériales, vers 1810-1850" under the supervision of pr. François Weil.

• October 31: Sara Le Menestrel will be presenting Negotiating Difference in French Louisiana Music. Categories, Stereotypes, Identifications at 2015 the Louisiana Book Festival, in downtown Baton Rouge.

• October 22, 2015 : Gilles Havard gives a talk in an international symposium "Enthousiasme et Nostalgie : Variations in the French intellectual interest in North America" in Bloomington, Indiana University , with a paper entitled " An ethnohistorical reading of a Seventeenth - Century Fur Trader: Nicolas Perrot 's observations on Great Lakes and Plains Indians . "

• 16-18 October 2015 : Gilles Havard gives a talk in the International Symposium Emerging Stories of the French Atlantic, organized by Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture in association with the CENA, in Williamsburg, Virginia (USA ). His conference is entitled "Amerindians : a comparative approach”

• June 30, 2015: Elsa Devienne will give a paper at the European Society for Environmental Society in Versailles University on "Building a Beach for the Modern City : Urban Planning, Spatial Politics and the Making of Los Angeles's Beaches, 1920s-1970s"

• June 17, 2015: Emmanuelle Perez Tisserant will be the guest speaker of the Center for the Americas Research Seminar (American Studies) at the University of Groningen on June 17th for a talk called "Early 19th-Century California: A Laboratory for North American Nation-Building and Citizenship."

June 11, 2015: Elsa Devienne will participate in the Workshop in American History and Culture of Paris Sorbonne University with a paper entitled : "Ordre et désordres sur le sable : modernisation urbaine et surveillance des corps sur les plages de Los Angeles, 1945-1970".

• May 29, 2015: Gilles Havard gives a paper, "Fur Traders and métissage", at the symposium Expériences métisses, Nantes University.

• May, 22, 2015 : Sara Le Menestrel will give a talk entitled "About the category 'Black Music': uses and debates" at the seminar "Migrations et altérités" from the laboratory URMIS Nice (pôle universitaire St-Jean-d’Angély), at 2:30 pm.

• May 20-21, 2015: Nicolas Barreyre, Thomas Grillot, Romain Huret, Pauline Peretz and Yann Philippe will all give papers at the conference on "The Democratic State in Trans-Atlantic Perspective" organized at the University of Chicago Paris Center.

• May 4, 2015: Nicolas Barreyre will give a talk entitled "'In Stark Contrast to France': Understanding the Early Nineteenth-Century State in the United States and France" at the Cambridge American History Seminar.

• April 29, 2015: Nicolas Barreyre and Romain Huret will both be part of a workshop on US political economy during the long nineteenth century organized at King's College London and Queen Mary's University London.

• March 26, 2015: Gilles Havard takes part in a Roundtable on French America at the University of St. Boniface (Winnipeg).

• March 23 and 27 : Alexia Blin will participate in the Spring Academy on American History, Culture and Politics at the Heidelberg Center for American studies, between March 23 and 27. She will present her research, in a conference with twenty other Ph.D. students in American studies.

• March 21 at 10:30 am : Nicolas Barreyre will talk at a roundtable on Publishing in the digital era chaired by Jean-Frédéric Schaub at the Paris Book Fair.

• March 18, 2015 : Gilles Havard gives a conference (opening lecture) as part of the symposium Les Pays d’en haut Lieux-Cultures-Langues-Imaginaires, at the University of Ottawa (march 18-20, 2015): his communication is intitled "The use of categories in the writing of the history of the Pays d'en haut".

• January 7, 2015 : As part of the cycle of lectures on "The America and Versailles", Cécile Vidal will give a lecture on "French North America" on Wednesday, January 7, 2015, from 3:00 to 4:30 PM, in the salle des Colonnes located in the Grandes Ecuries of Versailles.

Mondes Américains

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Entretien avec Marie Assaf, doctorante de l'EHESS, sur l’état de la recherche sur les politiques du handicap

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Cycle « Sciences sociales et cinéma » : Nomadland de Chloe Zhao, avec Romain Huret

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